Should I Switch to a Holistic Dentist?

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If you think you are not getting the kind of care you deserve from your dentist, then maybe you should try to see a Holistic Dentist. Compared to traditional dentistry, holistic dentistry digs a little deeper into our overall well-being. They consider both our physical and emotional health. They make use of both the natural cure and modern dental treatments to safely and effectively treat dental issues. A Holistic Dentist Jupiter is knowledgeable of the best comprehensive lasting treatment needed for every patient to restore both oral and overall health.


Holistic dentists will advise you and propose to you programs and solutions that go beyond good oral hygiene. They do not just focus on your teeth and gums but they also will advise you about preventative care. An example is better nutrition, regulation of alcohol intake, as well as putting an end to smoking

Materials Used

Unlike traditional dentists, Holistic dentists avoid the use of materials that are known to bring us harm. An example is the use of an amalgam as a filling. Amalgam contains silver mercury that could cause mouth or gum ulcers as well as a metallic taste in our mouths. Instead, a holistic dentist makes use of biocompatible materials that are safer. They will most likely encourage us to replace our existing amalgam fillings with a much safer and healthier material.

Looking for More Information About a Holistic Dentist Jupiter?

If you think Holistic Dentist Jupiter is right for you, then it is just a matter of finding one! At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we offer Holistic treatment to help heal various forms of periodontal and bone infections as well as minimize foreign element immunologic response. Contact us today to know more about the holistic treatment we offer or set an appointment online!